2024 Fall Conference
Register to attend, become an official sponsor, or access the agenda for the event.
Conference Registration
Hotel Package Registrations are due to the hotel by September 3, 2024. Conference Registrations are due to the NYSASIC Treasurer by September 16, 2024.
The Conference registration fee includes all meetings, activities, and seminars, plus lunch on Thursday.
For overnight accommodations and other meals, see the Hotel Reservation form.
Commuters not staying at the hotel should see the Commuter Meal form for additional meals.
How will you be paying?
Become a Sponsor
NYSASIC values the generosity of the companies that support our conferences. We are asking for companies to co-sponsor the upcoming NYSASIC conference events, either by contributing directly to an event or by placing an advertisement in the program booklet. Each co-sponsor will receive a link from the NYSASIC website following the conference and will be acknowledged in the conference program booklet.
Conference Agenda
Take a look at the Tentative Agenda for the Upcoming NYSASIC Conference.